MonoLokoKatha - 3 Original plays on Mental Health

MonoLokoKatha - 3 Original plays on Mental Health

Cambridge Multicultural Arts - Cambridge Multicultural Arts, 41 Second Street, East Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Off-Kendrik presents 3 original short plays on Mental Health on June 7th, 8th and 9th  at The Multicultural Arts Center, in Cambridge. MA.

The three short plays are :

- Khawto
 ( The Wound)

- Ujaan  (Against All Odds

- Otikramon  (The Transcendence)

This Event is Supertitled in English in multiple large screen for the convenience of non-Bengali native speakers.

This event is not recommended for children below 10.

Parking information : To be notified soon.

Friday (June 7th)  - 7:30 PM

Saturday (June 8th)  - 6:00 PM

Sunday (June 9th)  - 3:30 PM

Upcoming Events (3)